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Hearing 8 - Open Space, Engineering Standards & Mineral Extraction

Hearing 8 for the Proposed District Plan will cover the Open Space, Engineering Standards & Mineral Extraction topics.

Hearing Details

Date: Tuesday 19 to Thursday 21 November 2024
Venue: Tuesday 19 & Wednesday 20 November - Te Kona, 74 Guy Road, Kaikohe
Thursday 21 November - Mahinga Ngawha Business Centre, 5449a State Highway 12, Kaikohe
Hearing Panel: Robert Scott (Chairperson), Peter Kensington and Steve McNally

Notice of Hearing

Notice of Hearing

Council Reports and Supporting Material

Section 42A Reports

Open Space

S42A Report
Appendix 1.1
Appendix 1.2
Appendix 1.3
Appendix 1.4
Appendix 2 

Engineering Standards

S42A Report
Appendix 1

Mineral Extraction

S42A Report
Appendix 1A
Appendix 1B
Appendix 1C 
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

Last updated: 22 Oct 2024 1:14pm