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Project background

This large new complex will provide facilities for a range of sports from around the Bay of Islands.

This hub of sporting codes will provide a high-quality recreational facility for sports people of all ages and abilities, encouraging community connections. It will address the shortage of facilities in the region, support growing participation in sports and help meet future demand in Northland, as one of the fastest growing regions in the country.

The 46.77-hectare site is in a central location, opposite the Waipapa retail area on State Highway 10. The site has a flat contour that can easily be developed into multiple sports fields, it is close to existing sports facilities, and has excellent vehicle access from State Highway 10.

The overall budget for the Phase 1 of the project is $10.758 million. The council set aside $8.758 million for Phase 1, with an additional $2 million provided by the Government’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. The funding has enabled the building of the first phase of the development which includes several multi-use playing fields and cricket pitches, parking, and a toilet/changing room block (Phase 1).

The council worked with the project working group when preparing the resource consent application. The project working group includes iwi, sporting code representatives, elected members and council staff.

The Bay of Islands Sports Hub has been named Te Puāwaitanga which means a home of belonging, play and growth.




Overall concept design development

Overall layout

Building concept

Access provision

October 2020 - July 2021


Stakeholder engagement

Project working group

Direct neighbour engagement

October 2020 – July 2021

Site access and utility connections

Access from SH10

Utilities connections; fibre optic and power   feeds

Shelter belt tree removal – western edge


April 2021-October 2021

Public engagement on overall concepts

Drop-in sessions for affected stakeholders   and interested public

Mid-Late July 2021


Resource consent applications lodged for   on-site developments

Late 2021

Consent processing and submissions

Public submissions opportunity on sports hub   proposals

From early 2022


Review and approvals with FNDC and NRC

Early to mid 2022

Phase One construction

Vegetation removal

Construction of four fields

New ablution block and changing rooms (if   budget allows)

Storm water and used water facility

Late 2022

Phase One construction

Remaining onsite developments for Phase One

2023 onwards

Last updated: 19 Sep 2024 11:06am