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Terms and conditions


Every reasonable effort has been made to maintain current and accurate information on this website. Information on this website has been made available by the Far North District Council in good faith and in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. This information should not be misused; and any unauthorised attempts to upload information or change information on this website are strictly prohibited.

Links to other websites

This website has links to many other agencies. In a few cases we link to private organisations, with their permission. Once you follow a link to another website, you are subject to the privacy, copyright and security policies of the new site. The Far North District Council does not have control over the policies or content of other government or private websites which we link to.

Fees and payments

Credit card payment

  • Payments can be made using Visa or MasterCard credit cards.
  • If you are using a credit card issued outside New Zealand, currency conversion will be done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the card – there may be currency conversion fees charged by your card issuer.
  • Far North District Council does not hold any credit card information.
  • Please check with your card issuer about any other fees and charges that may be applied to your credit card transaction under your agreement with your card issuer.

Property files and information

We offer access to property files and property information on our website. The conditions for the provision of this information is as follows:

  1. Council cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, quality, currency or reliability of this information and accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage, injury, or loss in value to any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from relying on the information provided through this search.
  2. Council has made the information available under Sections 10 to 18 (inclusive) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 only.
  3. You should not rely on any information which you obtain from a property file, or from property and application listings without seeking appropriate independent and/or professional advice.
  4. The information which may be provided from the property file should not be taken as constituting a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) for which a specific request is required.
  5. Property file documentation includes information created by Council as well as information provided to Council by third parties.
  6. Council is not responsible for ensuring that the information you retrieve from viewing property information is fit for a particular purpose.
  7. Information from our records and archives is provided as a public service in good faith.

Property file request refund disclaimer

In accordance with Council’s fees and charges an application for a property file will cost $33.50. This fee is non-refundable except where property files contain information not for public provision:

  • Banking institutions
  • Prisons
  • Hospitals

In these circumstances, a customer who requests and pays for a property file online would be issued a refund. If you have any queries regarding your property file request or refund please contact council on 0800 920 029.

Land Information Memoranda Refund Policy

Land Information Memoranda (LIM) are a statutory requirement under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act and must be provided to an applicant upon request and payment of a fee. The fee recovers administrative services by staff, office equipment, software systems and any other costs that are incurred to deliver the LIM.

Due to the short statutory deadline (10 working days), work commences immediately to prepare the LIM. There are occasions whereby an applicant decides they no longer wish to receive their LIM after lodgement of the application and payment of the fee. Depending on when they request the cancellation, work on the LIM may be well advanced. This policy outlines when and how an applicant can make such a request and receive a refund.

Policy principles

In accordance with council's fees and charges, there are three charges applicable to the LIM:

  1. the fee for the LIM report
  2. an additional research fee (if required) and
  3. a courier fee (if requested by the applicant)

Cancellation of a LIM once ordered and paid for will incur a 20% cancellation fee deducted from the total cost of the LIM. This will offset costs associated with administration, time and resources. Refer to Fees and Charges on the council website for the cost of the LIM.

Payment made at time of ordering will be refunded minus the cancellation fee and will be granted upon notification of cancellation. Cancellations can be submitted at any time before the end of the expected 10 day statutory delivery timeframe for the LIM.

The only circumstance upon which council will not accept a cancellation request (refund the cost of the LIM less cancellation fee) will be at any time at or after the LIM has reached the final stages of completion. This is any LIM that has reached the 'peer' stage and will be determined by the LIM team.

Additional research fee, if paid at time of purchase, will not be reimbursed. Any courier fees paid for at time of purchase will be reimbursed. Refunds will be credited to the card used at the time of purchase, once the customer provides valid receipt details.

Dog registrations

Renewal of registration

By paying the dog registration renewal fee you are confirming that all of your contact details have been updated in the Far North District Council online portal including your address and contact number. By paying the dog registration renewal fee you are also confirming that you have updated the following required information related to your dog in the Far North District Council online portal:

  • The address at which your dog is ordinarily kept;
  • Whether your dog is neutered (if not neutered in the previous registration year);
  • Whether your dog has any new distinguishing marks;
  • Whether your dog has been classified as a dangerous dog under section 31: of the Dog Control Act 1996; and
  • Whether your dog has been classified as a menacing dog under section 33A; or section 33C: of the Dog Control Act 1996.

Please note failure to update and supply correct information noted in this portal that is relevant to your application may prevent the registration of your dog. You are encouraged to request that the Far North District Council correct or amend any of these details if you discover a mistake or if the relevant circumstances change. You are required to notify the Far North District Council of any change of address or change in the ownership of the dog.

Notes on registration

  • All dog owners with dogs ordinarily kept in the Far North district must register their dogs with the Far North District Council.
  • All dogs over the age of 3 months must be registered.
  • It is an offence to keep a dog older than 3 months which is unregistered. On conviction, a court may impose a fine of up to $3,000.
  • It is an offence, when applying for the registration of a dog, to make any written statement knowing that statement to be false. On conviction, a court may impose a fine of up to $3,000.
  • Replacement discs and collars may be obtained from the Far North District Council if the current disc or collar has been lost or stolen.
  • Any dog not wearing a collar having a current registration label or disc attached will, until the contrary is proved, be treated as unregistered.
  • On change of ownership of any registered dog, both the previous owner and the new owner must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Far North District Council of the change of ownership and the residential address of the new owner and the address at which the dog will be kept. It is an offence not to comply with this requirement. On conviction, a court may impose a fine of up to $500.
  • If the owner's address is changed within the district, the owner must, within 14 days, give written notice of the change to the Far North District Council.
  • If any dog is transferred to and kept in the district of another territorial authority, other than the one in which it has been kept, for 1 month or more, the owner must, within 6 weeks of the transfer, give written notice of the transfer to both territorial authorities, setting out the address at which the dog will be kept. It is an offence not to comply with this requirement. On conviction, a court may impose a fine of up to $500.
  • If the fee for the registration of a dog is paid and that dog dies, a refund will be made on request as follows:
    • where a dog dies before the commencement of the year, the full fee will be refunded:
    • where the dog dies during the year, 1/12th of the annual fee for each complete month remaining in the registration year after the date of application for a refund will be refunded.
  • If any dog is first required to be registered after 1 August in any registration year, the fee shall be 1/12th of the annual fee for each complete month remaining in the registration year after the date of such registration.
  • The registration fees include goods and services tax.
  • Owners wishing to claim a reduced fee for neutered dogs must produce a certificate from a veterinarian certifying that the dog has been neutered.
  • If any dog over the age of 3 months is found not wearing a collar with a current registration label or disc attached, on land or premises other than its owner's land or premises, or in any public place, the dog may be seized and impounded.

Control of dogs

The owner of a dog must keep the dog under control at all times and, when in a public place with the dog, must use or carry a leash at all times.

A dog will be treated as not being under control:

  • if it is found at large on any land or premises other than a public place or a private way without the consent (express or implied) of the occupier or person in charge of the land or the premises; or
  • if it is found at large in any public place or in any private way in contravention of any regulations or bylaw.

You will commit an offence and be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $3,000 if you fail to comply with this provision.

Obligations of dog owner generally

The owner of a dog must:

  • ensure that the dog receives proper care and attention and is supplied with proper and sufficient food, water, and shelter; and
  • ensure that the dog receives adequate exercise.

You will commit an offence and be liable on conviction to imprisonment for up to 3 months or to a fine not exceeding $5,000 if you fail to comply with this provision.

Obligations of dog owner on owner's property

The owner of a dog must ensure, when the dog is on land or premises occupied by the owner:

  • that the dog is under the direct control of a person; or
  • that the dog is confined within the land or premises in such a way that it cannot freely leave the land or premises.

You will commit an offence and be liable on conviction to a fine of $3,000 if you fail to comply with this provision. In addition, a dog control officer or dog ranger may seize and impound the dog.

Last updated: 10 Feb 2025 10:03am