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Current consultations

Here you will find links to current consultations and community engagement activities.

The best way to learn about future consultations and engagement activity is to sign up to our consultation mailing list. You may also be interested in our current projects. Take a look at our current and past consultations below.

We are asking for feedback on our Speed Management Plan, which proposes to lower the speed around all schools, marae, downtown, and in both urban and rural areas within the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area. This catchment includes the communities of Russell, Ōkiato, Rāwhiti, Waikare, and Kāretu.
We’re proposing a new Keeping of Animals Bylaw to help manage issues caused by animals in our community. We want to hear what you think! Your feedback will help us create a bylaw that works for everyone.

Last updated: 02 Apr 2024 4:17pm