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Consultation extended on Russell-Kororāreka speed limits

We’ve extended public consultation on proposed new speed limits for the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area by two weeks in response to new government requirements.

Typically, the council runs consultations for one month, although some speed limit consultations have run longer. This timeframe allows residents time to consider new proposals and to provide feedback, while also ensuring the decision-making process is timely and stays on track.

However, central government has asked that residents have six weeks to provide feedback on all proposed changes to speed limits. That means residents now have until Friday 8 November to have their say on new speed limits proposed around schools, marae, and in urban and rural areas within the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area. That includes the communities of Russell, Ōkiato, Rāwhiti, Waikare, and Kāretu.

The goal is to set speed limits that better acknowledge local conditions and the surrounding environment to make roads and communities safer for everyone, whether they are travelling by car, bicycle, or on foot. Over the past five years, there have been 34 crashes in the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area resulting in injuries – 10 leading to death or serious injury.

As the Road Controlling Authority, Far North District Council reviews speed limits on district roads using a catchment-based approach. Reviews are undertaken in stages with each road individually assessed to determine the safe and appropriate speed. In December 2023, Minister of Transport Simeon Brown announced speed limit rules were being amended to remove “blanket” speed limit reductions. However, speed limit changes proposed for the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area have not taken a blanket approach with each road individually assessed.

Have your say

Russell-Kororāreka catchment area residents are encouraged to take advantage of the extended submission time to provide feedback on proposed speed limit changes in their area.

Visit the council’s website to review the details and submit your feedback by 5pm, Friday 8 November 2024.