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Rubbish and recycling stations

We operate 16 refuse and recycling stations around the Far North. Most accept bulk and bagged rubbish, green waste, hazardous waste, scrap metal and whiteware, tyres and recycling. Some also accept car bodies. Nearly all recycling is accepted free of charge.

We also operate 11 community recycling centres that are free to use. These accept plastics, glass, food and aluminium tins, paper, and cardboard. Seasonal recycling centres also operate at Russell Kororāreka Wharf from 26 December 2023 to 14 January 2024 (10am-4pm) and Ōpua from 26 December 2023 to 29 January 2024.

To find the address of each facility, its opening times and what types of rubbish and recycling are accepted, select a facility icon on the map or click on the name in the list below.

Station and centre listings

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Russell Refuse Transfer Station

120 Florance Avenue, Russell 0272
Russell refuse transfer station located On Florance Avenue approximately 2km southeast of Russell.

Rāwhiti Community Recycling Centre

Rāwhiti Road, Rāwhiti  0184
Rāwhiti Community Recycling Centre located at Kaingahoa Camp Ground, Kaingahoa Bay. From 1 March to 19 December it is open daily 9am - 12pm. From 20 December to 28 February it opens daily 8am - 4pm.

Taipā Refuse Transfer Station

13-27 Paranui Road, Taipā 0483
Taipā refuse transfer station located on the corner of Paranui Road and Oruru Road (3km south of Taipā).

Te Kao Transfer Station

Potahi Road, Te Kao 0484
Te Kao refuse transfer station located Off SH1 (North); East Coast Roadway (past Marae) Te Kao.

Ōpononi Refuse Transfer Station

131 State Highway 12, Ōmāpere 0473
Ōpononi Refuse transfer station located Rāwene Baker Road - behind bowling club midway between Ōpononi and Ōmāpere.

Ōpua Community Recycling Centre

Lyon Street, Ōpua 0200
Ōpua community recycling centre located by fuel jetty FNHL car park operating from 26 December to 29 January.

Questions and answers

We accept the following types of waste for recycling free of charge:

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Tin and aluminium cans (please rinse)
  • Cardboard and paper
  • Clear and coloured bottles, meat trays with a 1 recycling symbol, packaging plastics with a 2 or 5 recycling symbol
  • Opaque plastic bottles, Anchor milk and cream bottles with a 2 recycling symbol
  • Waste oil and batteries
  • Whiteware and scrap metal (refuse transfer stations and landfill sites only).


Council subsidises the recycling of eWaste because it contains heavy metals and other toxic materials that we want to keep out of our environment. Charges at refuse transfer stations for eWaste are as follows:

  • TV’s CRT $10.00
  • TV’s Flat Screen $10.00
  • Computer CRT $10.00
  • Monitors LCD $5.00
  • PC’s Desktop/laptop/Server $5.00 each
  • UPS’s $5.00
  • Laptop Batteries $5.00
  • Network Equipment $5.00


Greenwaste is accepted at some transfer stations at a cost of $22 per cubic metre

Refer to the information sheet about transfer stations to see which ones accept green waste. Please note the branch diameter must be 75mm or less. Vegetation that is not accepted includes flax, toi toi, bamboo, pampas grass, phoenix palm and cabbage tree.


Tyres are accepted for recycling at a cost, depending on their size (see fees and charges). Whole tyres cannot be accepted as rubbish because they are unsuitable for landfill. Charges at refuse transfer stations are as follows (cost per tyre):

  • Motorcycle tyres $3.50
  • Passenger car tyres $5.00
  • Light truck and 4x4 tyres $8.00
  • Truck tyres $16.00
  • Tractor and super single $23.00
  • Earth mover tyres not accepted.

Agricultural Plastics

For more information view the Agricultural Plastic Recycling scheme run by - https://www.plasback.co.nz

  • Infectious medical wastes
  • Dust prone materials
  • Liquids, chemicals and sludges
  • Dead animals
  • Asbestos
  • Fuel tanks (empty or otherwise)
  • Hazardous waste (other than minor household hazardous waste)
  • Explosive and radioactive material
  • Commercial air-conditioning or refrigeration units
  • Household hazardous waste* (up to 5 litres) is accepted at many transfer stations. Used lubricating oil, paints, agricultural chemicals, animal remedies, pool chemicals and batteries (automotive and household) are all classed as hazardous waste as they are hazardous to the environment. Refer to the refuse transfer station information sheet for details. For quantities more than 5 litres and commercial, contact the Northland Regional Council.

  • Per bag (standard 65L) $3.00
  • Oversized bag (130L) $6.00
  • Wheelie bin (240L) $11.00
  • Loose material (per m3) $46.00
  • Compacted and heavy material (per m3) $74.50
  • Green waste (per m3) $22.00

Rubbish disposal is a user-pay service, so people who generate the most rubbish also pay the most. For the three months over the summer holiday season, the rubbish volume in the Far North almost doubles. User-pays means visitors pay their fair share for rubbish disposal.

Prices for rubbish bags at transfer stations are set by Council at $3 per bag. This charge goes toward waste disposal at landfill, processing of recycling, staffing and maintenance of the transfer station. The money from prepaid bags goes to the waste company, not to Council.

Kerbside rubbish and recycling collections in the Far North are a user-pays service provided by waste companies that decide what to charge for these collections. This doesn’t include a free recycling service or the staff and maintenance costs involved in operating transfer stations.

Last updated: 13 Feb 2025 1:55pm