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Variation to Proposed Far North District Plan

Proposed Plan Variation 1 - Minor Corrections and Other Matters

On 14 October 2024 Council notified Proposed Plan Variation 1 to the Far North Proposed District Plan.

Current status: Open for Submissions until 12 November 2024

About Proposed Plan Variation 1

The Far North District Council has prepared Proposed Plan Variation 1 (Minor Corrections and Other Matters) to the Proposed District Plan. Proposed Plan Variation 1 makes minor amendments to; correct minor errors, amend provisions that are having unintended consequences, remove ambiguity and improve clarity and workability of provisions. This includes amendments to the zoning of some properties, and the Coastal flood hazard areas. Proposed Plan Variation 1 is subject to the RMA Schedule 1 process for making submissions, further submissions and the ability to appeal decisions.  The proposed variation is limited in scope to the proposed changes identified in the public notice and displayed in the Proposed District Plan here.

The provisions that are proposed to be changed as part of Proposed Plan Variation 1 are identified in the Proposed District Plan by a blue dashed border and yellow shading as shown below.

Example Proposed Changes

You can also view the proposed changes on the pdf version of the plan provisions (provided under Supporting Material below).

The proposed map changes are shown as a separate layer on the Proposed District Plan maps which you can access by ticking the Proposed Plan Variation 1 layer on the right hand panel of the planning maps.

This process does not re-open any previous submissions on the Proposed District Plan beyond the scope of the changes proposed in Proposed Plan Variation 1. Any submission must be related to the changes proposed as part of Proposed Plan Variation 1. Submission points not related to variation are unable to be considered.

Supporting documents and material

Making a submission on Proposed Plan Variation 1

Anyone can make a submission on Proposed Plan Variation 1, but, if they could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, they may do so only if they are directly adversely affected by the proposal in a way that does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

Submissions may be made using one of the following options:

  • Make an online submission via the online submission tool. Click here for instructions on how to make an online submission.
  • Download a PDF of the submission form or pick up a hard copy submission form from the following council offices:

    Kaikohe, Head Office, 5 Memorial Drive.
    Kaitāia, Te Ahu, Corner Matthews Avenue and South Road.
    Kerikeri, John Butler Centre 60 Kerikeri Road.

  • Email a copy of your submission form to: pdp@fndc.govt.nz
  • Post your submission form to:
    Alicia-Kate Taihia, Proposed District Plan
    Planning and Policy
    Far North District Council
    Private Bag 752
    Kaikohe 0440
  • Deliver your hard copy submission form to any Far North District Council office or library, from 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

Submissions are open until 12 November 2024.

If you have further questions, email pdp@fndc.govt.nz or call 0800 920 029 and ask for the District Plan Team.

Last updated: 14 Oct 2024 11:19am